Financial Astrology.

Financial Status.

Every Body is interested to about his/her Financial status as this has become the most important thing in every body's life.

In this materialistic world people are judged by their financial status.

How Astrology can help you in this matter.

Financial Matters./ Financial Status.

  1. Is the native promised self acquired financial status?
  2.  How much  the native will be able to accumulate?
  3.  Will he or she face periods of financial crisis?
  4. Is there a chance for the native to  loose his or call money loans to others?
  5. Has He or she the capacity to repay loans ?
  6. When he or she will have the period  of gain?
  7. Sources Through which the native will be table to acquire wealth.
  8.  Gain & Loss.
  9.  Profession Business/Service.
  10.  Prediction of Profession Etc 
  11.  Which profession will best suit the naive, in which he will perform the & earn Money, Status & Fulfillment of desire?
Above mentioned are some events which can be checked weather promised or not.